Invisible fluorescent fabric dye
Scope of application
Invisible paint is unique in that it is almost invisible under normal lighting conditions. However, when exposed to ultraviolet light, it instantly manifests itself.
Fabric paint specially designed for manual application with a brush.
A series of fast drying paints. It has excellent mechanical and chemical resistance, high elasticity, machine washable.
Harmless to skin contact. Suitable for all types of fabric, artificial and natural leather. Frost-resistant.

Surface preparation: The surface must be free from dust, dirt, grease. How to use: Attention! The composition of the paint includes additives that settle at the bottom of the can. Before use, mix the paint thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. In the process of applying the paint must be additionally mixed. The paint is applied by brush, spray or dipping. Drying time at +20°C and 50% relative humidity: up to 2 hours. Consumption: 8-10 sq.m.\1l. Solvent - ethanol (alcohol 96%). One layer dries up to an hour. Apply the next layer after the previous one has completely dried.
18 months from date of manufacture.
Store and transport in hermetically sealed containers. Keep away from direct sunlight, heaters and moisture. Wash working tools in ethanol (96% alcohol)